Tap Tap Studio Apps

GEMA 5.0.2
Tap Tap Studio
Bible Reading Movement
Treasures from God's Word-Lite 3.9.6.g
Tap Tap Studio
A 365 day devotional app based on TheBeliever's Daily Treasure, Abraham Lincoln's favorite dailydevotional updated with digital features for today's smartphonesand tablets.Be enriched daily by God's Word as you read Daily Treasure, adaily devotional based on The Believer's Daily Treasure, AbrahamLincoln's favorite daily devotional.President Lincoln took this devotional with him everywhere andread from it often.“I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man.All the good from The Savior of the world is communicated to usthrough this Book.” - Abraham LincolnThe Believer’s Daily Treasure was originally published in 1852by the Religious Tract Society of London.Features:• Classic and timeless devotional content.• Daily reminders to read your daily devotion.• Listen to devotional content read by built-in voicesynthesizer.• Bookmarks, notes and comments.• Share content through Facebook, Twitter and email.• Read using different fonts, font size and in low-lightenvironment.• Track your reading progress.• Ad-Supported free app.App is optimized to run on both Android smartphones and tabletswith landscape mode support.Follow @taptapstudio on Twitter.Like us at facebook.com/taptapstudio and say Hi!
Streams in the Desert 3.9.5.g
Tap Tap Studio
A 365 day devotional app based on Streams inthe Desert by Mrs. Charles Cowman updated with digital features fortoday's smartphones and tablets, with bible verses from the modernNIV, ESV, NLT, NET and WEB translations plus the classic KJV.Be refreshed by God’s Word daily as you read Daily Streams, adaily devotional based on Streams in the Desert by Mrs. CharlesCowman.Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, the wife of Rev. Charles Cowman, founderof the Oriental Missionary Society, were missionaries in Japan from1901 to 1918. She compiled Streams in the Desert from varioussermons, readings, writings, and poetry she had read over theyears.The immense popularity of this book has allowed at least 19editions of the book to be printed. The widespread appeal growsdaily as new readers discover the joy, challenge, and inspirationfound in Streams in the Desert.Features:• Classic and timeless devotional content.• Daily reminders to read your daily devotion.• Listen to devotional content read by built-in voicesynthesizer.• Bookmarks, notes and comments.• Share content through Facebook, Twitter and email.• Read using different fonts, font size and in low-lightenvironment.• Track your reading progress.App is optimized to run on both Android smartphones and tabletswith landscape mode support.Follow @taptapstudio on Twitter.Like us at facebook.com/taptapstudio and say Hi!
Daily Light on the Daily Path 3.9.5.g
Tap Tap Studio
A 365 day morning and evening devotional appbased on the timeless classic Daily Light on the Daily Path bySamuel Bagster updated with digital features for today'ssmartphones and tablets.Be inspired by God's Word daily as you read Daily Light, a dailydevotional based on Daily Light on the Daily Path by SamuelBagster.Daily Light on the Daily Path contains one year of devotionalreadings for mornings and evenings. Originally printed in the1800s, this work is timeless because each reading is a connectionof Scripture verses centered around a theme. It is said to be themost popular daily devotional book of all time and has touchedhundreds of thousands of Christians with the biblical message ofcomfort and help.Features:• Classic and timeless devotional content.• Daily reminders to read your daily devotion.• Listen to devotional content read by built-in voicesynthesizer.• Bookmarks, notes and comments.• Share content through Facebook, Twitter and email.• Read using different fonts, font size and in low-lightenvironment.• Track your reading progress.App is optimized to run on both Android smartphones tablets withlandscape mode support.Follow @taptapstudio on Twitter.Like us at facebook.com/taptapstudio and say Hi!
God's Promises for Today(Lite) 3.9.6.g
Tap Tap Studio
A 365 day devotional app based on the timelessclassic Faith's Checkbook by Charles Spurgeon updated with digitalfeatures for today's smartphones and tablets.Be guided by God's Word daily as you read Daily Faith, a dailydevotional based on Faith's Checkbook by Charles Spurgeon.This devotional was written to help believers receive by faiththe promises given in God’s Word. Grow daily in your Christian lifeand walk with Jesus by reading these classic and timelessbible-based devotionals by "The Prince of Preacher", CharlesSpurgeon.“God has given no pledge which He will not redeem, andencouraged no hope which He will not fulfill.” - CharlesSpurgeonFeatures:• Classic and timeless devotional content.• Daily reminders to read your daily devotion.• Listen to devotional content read by built-in voicesynthesizer.• Bookmarks, notes and comments.• Share content through Facebook, Twitter and email.• Read using different fonts, font size and in low-lightenvironment.• Track your reading progress.• Ad-Supported free app.App is optimized to run on both Android smartphones and tabletswith landscape mode support.Follow @taptapstudio on Twitter.Like us at facebook.com/taptapstudio and say Hi!
Mornings With God Devotional 3.9.5.g
Tap Tap Studio
A 365 days devotional app based on thetimeless classic devotional book Morning Thoughts by J.R. Millerupdated with digital features for today's smartphones and tablets.Be encouraged as you read the bible and pray daily using this dailydevotional app.Nothing is more helpful in Christian living than the habit ofgetting a verse or phrase of Scripture into the mind and heart inthe morning. Its influence stays thought the day, weaving itselfinto all the day’s thoughts and words and experiences. It is tohelp in this practical way that this little book has been prepared.For each morning of the year a word of scripture is set down, withbrief meditation which may help to fix it in the mind and suggestits application to to the life of the day, No definite order hasbeen followed in the arrangement of these meditations, “Everyscripture inspired of God is also profitable.” - J.R. MillerFeatures:• Classic and timeless devotional content.• Daily reminders to read your daily devotion.• Listen to devotional content read by built-in voicesynthesizer.• Bookmarks, notes and comments.• Share content through Facebook, Twitter and email.• Read using different fonts, font size and in low-lightenvironment.• Track your reading progress.App is optimized to run on both Android smartphones and tabletswith landscape mode support.Follow @taptapstudio on Twitter.Like us at facebook.com/taptapstudio and say Hi!
Daily Treasure Devotional 3.9.5.g
Tap Tap Studio
A 365 day devotional app based on TheBeliever's Daily Treasure, Abraham Lincoln's favorite dailydevotional updated with digital features for today's smartphonesand tablets.Be enriched daily by God's Word as you read Daily Treasure, adaily devotional based on The Believer's Daily Treasure, AbrahamLincoln's favorite daily devotional.President Lincoln took this devotional with him everywhere andread from it often.“I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man.All the good from The Savior of the world is communicated to usthrough this Book.” - Abraham LincolnThe Believer’s Daily Treasure was originally published in 1852by the Religious Tract Society of London.Features:• Classic and timeless devotional content.• Daily reminders to read your daily devotion.• Listen to devotional content read by built-in voicesynthesizer.• Bookmarks, notes and comments.• Share content through Facebook, Twitter and email.• Read using different fonts, font size and in low-lightenvironment.• Track your reading progress.App is optimized to run on both Android smartphones and tabletswith landscape mode support.Follow @taptapstudio on Twitter.Like us at facebook.com/taptapstudio and say Hi!
Days of Heaven Upon Earth 3.9.5.g
Tap Tap Studio
A 365 days devotional app based on thetimeless classic devotional book Days of Heaven Upon Earth by A.B.Simpson updated with digital features for today's smartphones andtablets. Be encouraged as you read the bible and pray daily usingthis daily devotional app.A Year Book of Scripture Texts And Living Truths.The days of heaven are peaceful days,Still as yon glassy sea;So calm, so still in God, our days,As the days of heaven would be.Christ is not a reservoir but a spring. His life is continual,active and ever passing on with an outflow as necessary as itsinflow. If we do not perpetually draw the fresh supply from theliving Fountain, we shall either grow stagnant or empty, It is,therefore, not so much a perpetual fullness as a perpetual filling.- A.B. SimpsonFeatures:• Classic and timeless devotional content.• Daily reminders to read your daily devotion.• Listen to devotional content read by built-in voicesynthesizer.• Bookmarks, notes and comments.• Share content through Facebook, Twitter and email.• Read using different fonts, font size and in low-lightenvironment.• Track your reading progress.App is optimized to run on both Android smartphones and tabletswith landscape mode support.Follow @taptapstudio on Twitter.Like us at facebook.com/taptapstudio and say Hi!
Daily Wisdom Devotional 3.9.5.g
Tap Tap Studio
A 365 day devotional app based on the timelessclassic devotional writings by J.C. Philpot updated with digitalfeatures for today's smartphones and tablets. Be encouraged as youread the bible and pray daily using this daily devotional app."If we can throw any light on the word of truth, if we canenable our readers more clearly to understand, more firmly tobelieve, and more experimentally to feel the power of what God hasrevealed in the Scriptures for their instruction, edification, andconsolation, that will be our chief reward, as, we hope, it is ourchief aim." - J. C. PhilpotFeatures:• Classic and timeless devotional content.• Daily reminders to read your daily devotion.• Listen to devotional content read by built-in voicesynthesizer.• Bookmarks, notes and comments.• Share content through Facebook, Twitter and email.• Read using different fonts, font size and in low-lightenvironment.• Track your reading progress.App is optimized to run on both Android smartphones and tabletswith landscape mode support.Follow @taptapstudio on Twitter.Like us at facebook.com/taptapstudio and say Hi!
Daily Comfort Bible Devotional 3.9.5.g
Tap Tap Studio
A 365 day devotional app based on the timelessclassic devotional writings of J.R. Miller updated with digitalfeatures for today's smartphones and tablets. Be encouraged as youread the bible and pray daily using this daily devotional app."A verse of Scripture in the morning, may become a blessing forall the day. It may sing in the heart as a sweet song, from morninguntil evening. It may become a liturgy of prayer in which the soulshall voice its deepest needs and hungers—amid toils, struggles,and cares. It may be a guide through perplexing tangles, 'God'svoice' whispering cheer, a comforter breathing peace in sorrow." --J.R. MillerFeatures:• Classic and timeless devotional content.• Daily reminders to read your daily devotion.• Listen to devotional content read by built-in voicesynthesizer.• Bookmarks, notes and comments.• Share content through Facebook, Twitter and email.• Read using different fonts, font size and in low-lightenvironment.• Track your reading progress.App is optimized to run on both Android smartphones and tabletswith landscape mode support.Follow @taptapstudio on Twitter.Like us at facebook.com/taptapstudio and say Hi!
Walking With Jesus Devotional 3.9.5.g
Tap Tap Studio
A 366 days devotional app based on thetimeless classic devotional book Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyerupdated with digital features for today's smartphones and tablets.Be encouraged as you read the bible and pray daily using this dailydevotional app."Watch the morning watch. Do not see the face of man until youhave seen the face of God. Before you enter on the day with itstemptations, look up into His face and hide His Word in yourheart." - F.B. MeyerFeatures:• Classic and timeless devotional content.• Daily reminders to read your daily devotion.• Listen to devotional content read by built-in voicesynthesizer.• Bookmarks, notes and comments.• Share content through Facebook, Twitter and email.• Read using different fonts, font size and in low-lightenvironment.• Track your reading progress.App is optimized to run on both Android smartphones and tabletswith landscape mode support.Follow @taptapstudio on Twitter.Like us at facebook.com/taptapstudio and say Hi!
Daily Quiet Time 3.9.5.g
Tap Tap Studio
A 365 days devotional app based on thetimeless classic devotional book Thoughts for the Quiet Hour editedby D.L. Moody updated with digital features for today's smartphonesand tablets. Be encouraged as you read the bible and pray dailyusing this daily devotional app.The selections given in this volume were first published in themonthly issues of the "Record of Christian Work" and were foundvery helpful for devotional purposes. They are also a mine ofthoughts, to light up the verses quoted. Being of permanent value,it has been thought desirable to transfer them from the pages ofthe magazine to this permanent volume.May they have a helpful ministry, leading many into closercommunion with God! - D.L. MoodyFeatures:• Classic and timeless devotional content.• Daily reminders to read your daily devotion.• Listen to devotional content read by built-in voicesynthesizer.• Bookmarks, notes and comments.• Share content through Facebook, Twitter and email.• Read using different fonts, font size and in low-lightenvironment.• Track your reading progress.App is optimized to run on both Android smartphones and tabletswith landscape mode support.Follow @taptapstudio on Twitter.Like us at facebook.com/taptapstudio and say Hi!
NECF Malaysia 3.0.6
Tap Tap Studio
Transforming the Nation through the Local Church
Streams in the Desert 7.1.2
Tap Tap Studio
Classic One Year Daily Devotional by Mrs. Charles Cowman.
Daily Prayer Guide 7.1.2
Tap Tap Studio
Morning and Evening Prayers and Inspiring Quotes to encourage youdaily.
Daily Spurgeon Devotional 7.1.2
Tap Tap Studio
Contains both Faith's Checkbook and Morning and Evening by CharlesSpurgeon.
God's Daily Wisdom For Today 7.1.2
Tap Tap Studio
One Year Daily Devotional for Spiritual Wisdom
Daily Prayer Guide 7.1.2
Tap Tap Studio
Morning and Evening Prayers and Inspiring Quotes to encourage youdaily.
YouDevotion Daily Devotionals
Tap Tap Studio
15 Classic One Year Daily Devotional Books In A Single App.
Mornings With God 7.1.2
Tap Tap Studio
One Year Daily Devotional for your Mornings With God.
Daily Light on the Daily Path 7.1.2
Tap Tap Studio
One Year Daily Devotional
Daily Quiet Time by D.L. Moody 7.1.2
Tap Tap Studio
One Year Daily Devotional for your Quiet Time.
Daily Word of God 7.1.2
Tap Tap Studio
One Year Daily Devotional for Spiritual Growth.